First Female Entrepreneur in Wetzel’s Pretzels ‘Access to Equity’ Program to Open Franchise

Daintry McFadden, Wetzel's Pretzels Franchise Owner

Article Source: ABC

History is being made with the opening of Wetzel’s Pretzels in Macy’s Oakbrook Center at one of Chicagoland’s most prominent shopping, entertainment and restaurant destinations. And, this is more than delicious pretzels put on display while shopping at Macy’s – it’s about igniting entrepreneurial dreams.

With Wetzel’s Access to Equity program, pioneered to improve entrepreneurial inclusivity for women and minorities, Daintry McFadden took it upon herself to be first in line. As the first female franchisee to participate in the program, Daintry and Wetzel’s are teaming up with Macy’s to open a bakery in one of Chicagoland’s prestigious malls. 

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